
With SponsorKliks, you can now make a financial contribution to AEGEE-Eindhoven yourself, without it costing you a penny extra!

Order a pizza online via Thuisbezorgd and AEGEE-Eindhoven will receive money for it in its coffers.
Large webshops like, Coolblue, and Expedia also participate. A percentage of the purchase amount then also goes to AEGEE-Eindhoven.
And again, it costs you nothing extra!

Would you also like to sponsor AEGEE-Eindhoven for FREE? Then make sure you do your online purchases via the SponsorKliks page of AEGEE-Eindhoven. A small effort for you, direct income for AEGEE-Eindhoven.

Hubble is our stamkroeg, we go here for events, social drinks and more.

When you are a member of AEGEE-Eindhoven, you can even get a discount on drinks.

Drukbedrijf is a company for printing services where we at AEGEE-Eindhoven get all of our posters and merchandise printed.

They provide us with promotion materials and all the kinds of printed items you can think of.

Studenten Wegwijzer is an independent platform for prospective, first-year and later-year students in the Netherlands. Studenten Wegwijzer aims to inform students about a variety of topics in student life so that they can make the right choices for themselves.

Studenten Wegwijzer cooperates with various interest groups in the student world.